Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and spiritual way of life that focuses on a deep relationship with Mother Earth and all creation. I believe there have been shaman on this planet since the beginning of time. There have always been healers and those who could see into other realms and connect with Spirit, guides, plants, and animals. They honor the energy of the mountains (apus), oceans, rivers, and valleys. They work with the teachings of the medicine wheel, the mesa (medicine bundle) and the hidden realms. They enter altered states of consciousness by using plant medicine, drums, whistles, dancing, and chanting. They used dreams to bring things into reality. They have gone by many names, and have been both loved and hated (feared).
The sacred teachings of the shamans of many indigenous tribes and peoples have been shared - and received - by people all over the world in present times. The teachings of unity and compassion, the sacredness of nature, and the ability to go beyond ourselves for knowledge and wisdom, are attitudes and actions much needed now. We can all take part in the healing of ourselves, the planet and all creation.
The History of Shamanism
What is a Shaman
The Medicine Wheel
Creating Sacred Space
Shamanic Journeying
The Illumination
Soul Retrieval
The sacred teachings of the shamans of many indigenous tribes and peoples have been shared - and received - by people all over the world in present times. The teachings of unity and compassion, the sacredness of nature, and the ability to go beyond ourselves for knowledge and wisdom, are attitudes and actions much needed now. We can all take part in the healing of ourselves, the planet and all creation.
The History of Shamanism
What is a Shaman
The Medicine Wheel
Creating Sacred Space
Shamanic Journeying
The Illumination
Soul Retrieval