What are the Chakras?
Sacred texts dating back to the 1500's describe seven primary chakras. A chakra is a spinning vortex of light or energy. The chakras a shaped like cones, one pointing toward the front of the body, and one pointing toward the back of the body. These seven primary chakras are located in the etheric human subtle energy body. This energy body over-lays our physical body. It actually contains the blue print for the physical body. The physical body cannot exist without the etheric body.
The chakra system provides a means for us to interact with the world around us. We perceive, process, and respond to energy entering each chakra. Each chakra has a specific role in this process. The root chakra is where we ground to earth energies and provides a base for the whole chakra system. It is where we address our right to be here, our right to have, our tribal affiliations, and our core beliefs. The root chakra is the final step to manifesting our thoughts, goals, and dreams. All chakras build on the root chakra. We will explore the specific roles of the chakras later on this page. Each chakra is associated with a nerve ganglia, gland, and specific organs in the physical body. Information travels from the chakras, through nadis and meridians, to the physical body, via the nerve ganglia and glands. The information passing from the chakras to the nerve ganglia and glands affect the functioning of our physical bodies. It influences everything from thought processes to the biological systems of the body. The chakra system has been compared to a computer, the computer that runs the physical body and all its functions. Every experience we have passes through the chakras first, and then to the physical body. Some of these experiences affect us so profoundly that they get lodged in the chakras. This forms a blockage or imprint that impacts the the whole chakra system, and ultimately our physical body. Your beliefs, feelings, emotions, and everything that passes through your senses registers first in your chakras. Sometimes we hold on to things that no longer serve us, and these things can cause blockages or imprints, too. Any type of blockage causes congestion in the energy flow, and this congestion, if not dealt with in a timely manner, can impact the physical, mental and spiritual parts of who we are. Awareness of the chakra system and how it functions is an important tool for creating and maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. |
Click on the chakra symbol for more information.

Root Chakra: Grounding, Survival, Tribes

Sacral Chakra: Desire, Pleasure, Sexuality, Emotional Connection

Solar Plexus Chakra: Will Power, Self-Perception, Assertiveness

Heart Chakra: Love, Compassion, Freedom

Throat Chakra: Communication, Creativity, Expression

Third Eye (Brow) Chakra: Spiritual Vision, Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Oneness

Crown Chakra: Freedom, Joy, Enlightenment, Selflessness