The Illumination Process

The Illumination process is a shamanic technique developed by Alberto Villoldo after 25 years of study with the Q'ero shaman of Peru. It is a process that, by itself, has freed many people from old emotional responses to trauma, out-dated belief systems, negative emotions, as well as trans-generational and past-life issues. It is currently being used as a complimentary technique in many psychotherapy and counselling settings.
The whole point of the Illumination Process is to release dense energies and allow you to reclaim inner peace and clear thinking, a healthier immune system, and even eliminate and/or prevent dis-eases.
When you come for an Illumination you will be asked what the main issue is that bought you there. The shaman then identifies where dense energy resulting from this issue is located in your energy and physical body. This is done via the chakra system. Once the dense energy is located the shaman guides you in releasing this energy. The dense energies are then replaced with the white light energy of Spirit. You will take a very active role in this process. Once it is completed, it will be up to you whether or not you allow these dense energies to return.
The Illumination Process takes approximately 90 minutes. Time is allowed at the end for questions and discussion about your experience.

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