Third Eye (Brow) Chakra
This chakra is often called the Third Eye Chakra, but a better name is the Brow Chakra. The third eye is something different altogether. The Brow Chakra is the center of spiritual vision which is seeing beyond the physical eyes into other dimensions and realms. You can draw on these dimensions and realms to inspire your imagination, increase your creativity, and search for answers to questions that have long perplexed you.
In the Brow Chakra you embrace and fully comprehend your oneness with all things. Hate and anger can't exist because to hate or be angry with someone else is to hate or be angry with yourself. There simply is no point. We live in love and compassion, with no need to judge or justify. We are one energy, and it's the energy of unity. You can realize the power of your intuition and psychic abilities in this chakra. Intuition and psychic abilities are the ability to receive knowing and truth from your higher self and spirit outside of linear time. The extent to which you can receive and utilize this information depends on your beliefs. If your beliefs tell you this isn't real, or it's from the devil (evil), or it's just your imagination - then you won't be open to it. This goes back to knowing where your beliefs come from, what they're based on, and if they fit the authentic you. Questions for the Brow Chakra 1. Do you believe you can program your dreams and use them as tools for learning? 2. Have you ever had a psychic experience? (Deja vu, dreamed something happened before the actual event, knew who was calling before you answered the phone, smelled the perfume of cologne of someone who has passed and knew their spirit was near, etc) 3. Do you take the time to become quiet and meditate, time to let your consciousness take you beyond the physical realm and linear time? If you do, where do you go? What do you see? What do you hear? Does this experience help you with your daily life? Want to know more about the Brow Chakra? Click the arrow. |