Throat Chakra
You are now entering the upper three spirit chakras. You have done the work of the lower three "physical" chakras pertaining to survival, emotions, life purpose, and will. Now it's time to focus on things beyond the physical, beyond the earth realm.
The Throat Chakra is the center of communication, but this is special kind of communication that comes from your connection with spirit and your higher self. This is a communication that comes from seeing with spiritual eyes the whole picture. There is no judgment, no ulterior motives, simply a creative freedom based on truth. The creative communication of this chakra goes beyond words. It can express in the form of art, dance, music, and acting. It is an energy the impacts the whole universe. It goes out in waves causing change. It is important to be conscious of every word that passes through your lips. Words have power. They have the ability to harm, and the ability to heal. Be accountable to your higher self and make your compassionate and loving intentions. It is also important to be conscious of the communication you are receiving. Many people attempt to further their own agenda by using speech to manipulate your thinking. Advertisers, politicians, credit card companies, banks...they all use speech and communication to influence you. They prey on your fears, passions, dreams, and insecurities. Be aware of what you are receiving. Discern truth from manipulation. When you are living in the freedom of spirit, truth, compassion, and purpose, you have the ability to filter the communication you are receiving. You will not be deceived or manipulated. That is the beauty of the Throat Chakra. Want to know more about the Throat Chakra? Click the arrow. |