Sanskrit Name: Anahat
Meaning: Unstruck Location: Heart Element: Air Color: Green Function: Love Sense: Touch Inner State: Compassion, Love Rights: To Love Note: F Key Word: Love, Healing Chief Operating Force: Equilibrium Connection to Physical Body: Thymus Gland, Cardiac Plexus Physical Influences: Lungs, Heart, Pericardium, Arms, Hands When Healthy: Compassionate, Understanding, generous, sensitive to the needs of others, empathetic, feel love for all beings Too Much Energy: Desperate to please others, overly concerned with the needs of others, putting other people's needs before your own, unable to relate to others we perceive as not spiritual, manipulative Too Little Energy: Full of negative emotions, can only do for others if they do for you first, co-dependent, hard- hearted, unsympathetic, self-serving, afraid to love others, unable to love yourself, jealousy, fear of rejection, unable to forgive |
The Heart Chakra is the center point of the human chakra system. It is the mediator between the physical body of the lower three chakras, and spirit of the three upper chakras. The love of the Heart Chakra is different from the sexual and emotional love of the Sacral Chakra. You become love in the Heart Chakra. This is where you transcend the limits of ego and develop unconditional love and compassion.
In the Heart Chakra you are bridging everything that was manifest in the first three earth chakras with your higher aspirations and spirit. In order for this to happen, you need to do the work to clear and balance these first three chakras. When all the survival needs of the root chakra, the emotional needs of the sacral chakra, and the fire work of will in the solar plexus are balanced, you are then prepared and ready to shed the limits of the ego and enjoy the freedom of your connection to all...LOVE.
There are many components to the love of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra love isn't sexual and it isn't about establishing a connection with all people and things on this planet, rather it is about remembering that we already ARE connected to all things. The heart holds this memory and makes it available when you are able to accept it. Knowing you are connected can bring a feeling of peace and security. You realize that you aren't alone in your journey. When you live from the heart, with this feeling of connection and peace, it is natural to show compassion and unconditional love.
Loving others seems easier, at times, that loving yourself. You develop beliefs about yourself through your relationships and experiences. These beliefs are mirrored back to you by family, friends, spouses, bosses, and co-workers. If your beliefs about yourself are negative, then that is what will come back to you. These beliefs can be self defeating and block energy flow and growth. Loving yourself requires healing old wounds and forgiving when necessary.
Being honest with yourself and others is another important component of Heart Chakra love. When you are honest you build trust. Air is the element of the Heart Chakra and is associated with breathing. It represents freedom, openness, and creates a feeling of spaciousness that comes from letting go of the boundaries of ego. Honesty also creates freedom. This freedom comes from being open and honoring truth.
In the Heart Chakra you embrace your connection with spirit. It is through spirit that you find your personal truths. Spirit is heard the loudest in silence. Meditation is a great way to go within and find your truths. In the Heart Chakra you let down your guard and open up to new possibilities that go beyond the conventional. You go beyond your personal identity, and explore new thoughts and inspirations.
When you live from a balanced and open heart, you see the world in a non-threatening way. You are able to make decisions and act out of love and compassion. You have no need to judge, because you understand. You create a safe environment. People can feel this heart energy when they are around you. Your heart energy can inspire others to practice kindness and compassion.
In the Heart Chakra you are bridging everything that was manifest in the first three earth chakras with your higher aspirations and spirit. In order for this to happen, you need to do the work to clear and balance these first three chakras. When all the survival needs of the root chakra, the emotional needs of the sacral chakra, and the fire work of will in the solar plexus are balanced, you are then prepared and ready to shed the limits of the ego and enjoy the freedom of your connection to all...LOVE.
There are many components to the love of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra love isn't sexual and it isn't about establishing a connection with all people and things on this planet, rather it is about remembering that we already ARE connected to all things. The heart holds this memory and makes it available when you are able to accept it. Knowing you are connected can bring a feeling of peace and security. You realize that you aren't alone in your journey. When you live from the heart, with this feeling of connection and peace, it is natural to show compassion and unconditional love.
Loving others seems easier, at times, that loving yourself. You develop beliefs about yourself through your relationships and experiences. These beliefs are mirrored back to you by family, friends, spouses, bosses, and co-workers. If your beliefs about yourself are negative, then that is what will come back to you. These beliefs can be self defeating and block energy flow and growth. Loving yourself requires healing old wounds and forgiving when necessary.
Being honest with yourself and others is another important component of Heart Chakra love. When you are honest you build trust. Air is the element of the Heart Chakra and is associated with breathing. It represents freedom, openness, and creates a feeling of spaciousness that comes from letting go of the boundaries of ego. Honesty also creates freedom. This freedom comes from being open and honoring truth.
In the Heart Chakra you embrace your connection with spirit. It is through spirit that you find your personal truths. Spirit is heard the loudest in silence. Meditation is a great way to go within and find your truths. In the Heart Chakra you let down your guard and open up to new possibilities that go beyond the conventional. You go beyond your personal identity, and explore new thoughts and inspirations.
When you live from a balanced and open heart, you see the world in a non-threatening way. You are able to make decisions and act out of love and compassion. You have no need to judge, because you understand. You create a safe environment. People can feel this heart energy when they are around you. Your heart energy can inspire others to practice kindness and compassion.